February 26, 2018
I am only just now realizing that I forgot to put the date in my document and I'm wondering how far back I'm going to have to go to fix that.
Goodtimes was yesterday, and we finally got to have a bowling party, and the kids seemed to have had a good time. They really didn't do much after we got back here, but Ange, Chelsea, Papa and I played Sequence. Tori helped Kennedy with an assignment.
The bowling alley has changed a lot since the last time I was there --- the old pit group seating is gone, so it is a much more social can mix back and forth kind of event. The teams could have been more intermingling, but I'm not sure that mattered to any of the kids.
Kennedy was really so appreciative that we went to Pensacon, and I was really happy to get to be there while she was working the booth and to get to see her work. They were on the list in the order chosen, and she was third of ten or twelve, so that was very exciting.
Evan played basketball with Tyler and Michael and Daniel.
Morgan letting Jaden loose in the bowling alley and then keeping up with him. Me watching her, thinking about how much fun he was having doing that, and her energy level compared to mine. I had to keep him in the stroller.
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