
February 9, 2018
It is possible that I forgot to clock in for part of the time that I was in the office, but if I did, I don't think it was for a large amount of time. I have completed the regular weekly, and the real "I need to do somethings" in under four hours. That holds amazing potential for giving an afternoon a week to the Melton Center and an afternoon a week to the Child Advocacy Center.

Annette has been checking on me every day, and I think that is so sweet. 

Beverly called last night, and we had a good visit. She had a great day! She was able to irrigate patients ears, instead of just assisting. She said it is one of her favorite things to do because people who thought they were losing their hearing are so excited to discover that they are not. She said it is just immediate results. Not about medications. You start out having to stand in front of them so they can read your lips, and finish by them telling you that you need to quit talking so loudly. Then she and Barry talked for a little bit.

I got to see Angela for a minute. She said they learned at Bentley's appointment that he will be on medications for the rest of his life, and they want her to start giving him shots for the arthritis. (That isn't joyful.) She is hoping not to have to work too late this afternoon. 

Kennedy called and is planning to come over Sunday to hang out and do some welding.

Beth stopped by on her way to Zak and Vivian's. She brought us a king cake and we got to visit for a few minutes. She is supposed to stop by on her way out this morning. She said that Rodney was in a good mood. 

Morgan called yesterday to go ahead and give me a head's up that Brandon has the flu, and that she didn't think we ought to try to have lunch today. 

Noah answered my text and so we had a little visit about his up coming soccer games. He said they are having their skirmish today. I said that "skirmish" is a funny word, and he said, "It doesn't even sound like a word after saying it a lot." 


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