January 17, 2018
Got this screenshot in a text from Kennedy, with a follow up text, "I got selected!" She'd been telling us about this. The art department at her college was contacted about a competition of designs created using a 3D printer to be given as takeaways for the VIP guests at Pensacon. The woman who was to make the selection did not show up on the appointed day, and Kennedy thought the whole thing was a wash, and then she got this email.
I replied about how excited I was, and she said, "I ran around looking for you guys but just couldn't wait for you to know!!! I'll be back for my hugs later. ...I"m already trying to get extra tickets if y'all are interested. I love y'all so much!"
When I told her that I couldn't believe I wasn't there for that and thanked her for letting us know so that we could share in the excitement, she said, "No worries! I"ll be this excited all day!"
Brittany posted a sort of brain teaser on Facebook and there were some fun conversations around that.
Barry said that Beverly had called him and said, "It tickled me."
Angela and Kennedy came over for supper last night and visited for a little while. Beverly called while we were at the table, and Ange indicated that she would call her back. The happy look on Angela's face when I said to call her back now, and the whole happy change in her demeanor when she was talking to her mom.
I did hear back from Shawn yesterday. He said that he is staying warm.
Chris goes back to work, light duty, today.
Beth had some snow at her apartment. Enough ice in Houston that Rodney didn't have to go in to work.
Morgan and Brandon had fun snowmobiling.
Tyler was able to knock the ball out of a runner's hand yesterday and another person caught it and made a touchdown. Ty was pretty happy about that.
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